Notify user when his mailbox is full

  • Hello,

    Does anybody know is there an option, or how to set notifications to clients when their mailboxes is going to be full?

    I mean that something is sending mails to them eg. "Your mailbox is 90% full, please clean your mailbox blah blah"

  • I am also interested in applying this function to this great control panel that day I like it more, but just do not notice when this filling the mailbox of the mail, but a link to renew or upgrade to that the customer can click and increase mailbox limit the mail.

    I am very interested in this project, could some forum admin please tell me that how it could help? :)

  • dovecot supports already a function to show the current status of the mailbox. If the mailbox is full, you see it in your mail-client.

  • There are already notifications for dovecot when a mailbox reaches 85% and 90% of ocupation. If you would like to modify it, the config file is dovecot.conf
    The template for this file is located here

  • There are already notifications for dovecot when a mailbox reaches 85% and 90% of ocupation. If you would like to modify it, the config file is dovecot.conf
    The template for this file is located here

    Hello ;

    Doesn't works as expected for now (a least with last master). The mail is not sent to end user.

    I must review that ASAP.
