Error 404!
File Not Found!
Error 404!
File Not Found!
Error 404!
File Not Found!
That file should not be there. How you did that (please provide something like as admin->Statistics->Reseller statistics)
however, this is always indicated in the Resseler area???
dies wird aber im Resseler Bereich schon immer angezeigt???
Only admins can have access to server statistics. if you ( as reseller) find a link to that file (reseller_statistics.php) please report where i can find that link.
If you get that error as admin, please tell me how can i proproduce (exact path to menus where you find that error.
I tested against last trunk but i did not found anything (maybe i do not know where too look )
do go siein admin controll pannel on admin / manage_users.php then on admin / change_user_interface.php? to_id=2 and there on
/reseller/user_statistics.php there stands then in left seite/reseller/ip_usage.php and there stands then again on top Domainstatistik with then left/reseller/server_statistic.php
gehen siein admin controll pannel auf admin/manage_users.php denn auf admin/change_user_interface.php?to_id=2 und dort auf
/reseller/user_statistics.php dort steht denn in der linken seite /reseller/ip_usage.php und dort steht denn wiederum oben Domainstatistik mit denn link /reseller/server_statistic.php