metafox php8.1 pcntl

  • Trying to install metafox to test on a domain. even though the server shows pcntl is install metafox installer can't see it. There are no pcntl disabled functions that I can find for it anywhere. Is there somewhere to enable the needed pcntl functions in PHP 8.1 or is it just not possible on the setup with imscp?

    EDIT: So I found by looking around specifically metafox needs the pcntl_signal function working to install. But no where can I find where this function is disabled.

    Edited once, last by Eyecu: More information ().

  • Well, from what I could find :


    Process Control support in PHP is not enabled by default. You have to compile the CGI or CLI version of PHP with --enable-pcntl configuration option when compiling PHP to enable Process Control support.

    So, your only option would be to compile your own version of PHP8.1 with this option enabled.


    If you see it enabled, it should work, as no settings are available in the php.ini (from those pages), but I don't know this extension so...