Where to change maxExecutionTime for PhpMyAdmin SQL import?

  • Hello folks!

    I am struggling to find proper values for importing SQL databases through PhpMyAdmin on latest release 1.5.3 because when I upload 240 megs database I always endup with information that execution time limit was reached.

    It doesn't matter if file is uploaded through form or uploaded to /var/www/imscp/gui/data/uploads/.

    I tried to edit php.ini max_execution_time values in both /usr/local/etc/imscp_panel and /etc/php/7.1/fpm but with no luck.

    Any help where should I check for other config files to increase limit values?:?:

  • Edit your


    Change parameters


    /etc/init.d/imscp_panel restart


  • FloRet88

    Closed the thread.
  • FloRet88

    Added the Label solved