Fail2Ban v0.9.6 - imap port correct variable?

  • i-mscp 1.5.3

    debian 9

    Fail2Ban v0.9.6

    fail2ban (debian9) which port is the correct one for dovecot & postfix-sasl?

    sometimes I see a few unban errors with Fail2Ban v0.9.6

    I removed imap3 because of F2B errors ...

    can all the old imap2 & imap3 variables safely replaced by imap only?

    1. smtp,465,submission,imap,imaps,pop3,pop3s
  • Hi

    sasl is not imap and not pop - so if you only want to block further sasl retries (sending mails) you should be ok with 587 and 465 - and maybe 25... that makes "smtp, submission, smtps"

    If you want to block the ip also on mail receiving ports, you can leave the imap2,imaps,pop3 and pop3s in it...

    If you want to know which port number is e.g. imap2, have a look at /etc/services... its 143, which is also imap4...

    Maybe its better/safer to write the port number instead of port name (or at least write the other in a comment)....

    imap3 is port 220 - and I doubt you use it for imap....
