Listener file Clarification

  • I was wondering if there is some documentation on some specifics for the listener file I am just looking for clarification on how to implement $saslAuthUser and $saslAuthPasswd entires. Do I need to specify a single username and password or does this support parameters such as %u for username and %p for password? I do appreciate some assistance and love the work you do.

    System Details

    Debian GNU/Linux 9 (Stretch)

    PHP Ver: 7.1.33 (Default)

    MYSQL Ver: 5.7.29


    ProFTPD Version 1.3.5b

    i-MSCP 1.5.3 | Build: 2018120800 | Codename: Ennio Morricone

    Plugins Installed and Active

    AdminerSQL - Ver. 1.1.0

    ClamAV - Ver. 1.3.0

    CronJobs - Ver. 1.4.1

    InstantSSH - Ver. 5.0.1

    LetsEncrypt - Ver. 3.5.0

    Mailgraph - Ver. 1.1.1

    Mailman - Ver. 2.0.4

    Monitorix - Ver. 1.2.2

    OpenDKIM - Ver. 2.0.0

    PhpSwitcher - Ver. 5.0.5

    PolicydSPF - Ver. 1.2.0

    PolicydWeight - Ver. 1.3.0

    Postgrey - Ver. 1.3.0

    Postscreen - Ver. 1.2.0

    RoundcubePlugins - Ver. 2.0.2

    SpamAssassin - Ver. 2.0.1

    “Life is all an Elaborate Hoax”

  • This listener is good if the remote smtp server is using sasl authentication. Like you want send over google or gmx..

    In you want only use the remote server for relaying ip based you can modify the script you need.

    Then you only need the parameter relayhost.
    but the remote server needs to be configured for this.