PhpSwitcher 5.0.2: FPM-Pool-files automatically purged on PHP package installation

  • Hello

    I'm testing on:

    I-MSCP: 1.5.3 (2018120800)

    PhpSwitcher Plugin: 5.0.2

    Affected PHP versions: all packaged php versions

    After "installing" an additional PHP package, all my PHP-FPM pool files are gone and I get HTTP ERROR 503.

    I can reproduce the behaviour with the following command:

    1. aptitude install php7.3-imagick

    It does not matter if the package is already installed or not :-/

    Fix for me at the moment:

    1. perl /var/www/imscp/gui/plugins/PhpSwitcher/PhpCompiler/ --register --packaged --packaged-only 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3

    I also had a look into the logfile, but there is no error message:

    Maybe there is a problem within the listener file?

    1. /etc/imscp/listeners.d/

    Someone else with the same behaviour?

    Kind Regards,


  • citrin

    Changed the title of the thread from “PhpSwitcher 5.0.2: Pool-files automatically purged on PHP package installation” to “PhpSwitcher 5.0.2: FPM-Pool-files automatically purged on PHP package installation”.
  • Nuxwin

    Added the Label to be investigated
  • Maybe there is a problem within the listener file?

    I'll check but yes, I don't see any other part that could cause such issue.


    citrin likes this.
  • Nuxwin

    Set the Label from to be investigated to patched
  • A fix has been added in our repository. It will be available with the next bugfixes release.

    Thank you for your report.

    Thread closed.



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