Mail pass PLAIN in DB

  • IIRC, the plain passwords were added because there was no better way to hand over passwords to webmail, correct me if am wrong.
    same was with ftp passwords.

    I have currently ispcp on one server and passwords are encrypted. (I will migrate to your panel)
    I have on another server "hand made" mail server with webmail client and passwords are encrypted too.
    Webmail working without problems, in both cases webmail is roundcube.
    Where are you have problem with? Mabe I can help you?

  • The problem is that all services use another encryption. For example if the passwords are hashed in sha512 and dovecot does not support sha512, you cannot use dovecot... Therefore there's another method called LDAP. Maybe the devs can implement following way.

  • Hello ;

    This issue will be solved in version 1.2.0. We are now in freeze state for the next release and therefor, we cannot made that change now because several modification are involved.

    Feel free to open a ticket on our bug tracker.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • mail user passwords are stored twice, hashed and plain.

    Doesn't work. I've insert hashes from working server to new and passwords are incorrect.

    Thx for reply, have you any idea when 1.2.0 will be relased as stable? And if conversion from plain text to encrypted will be work autommaticaly?

  • Doesn't work. I've insert hashes from working server to new and passwords are incorrect.

    Thx for reply, have you any idea when 1.2.0 will be relased as stable? And if conversion from plain text to encrypted will be work autommaticaly?


    We have not due date yet for 1.2.0. Conversion will be done automatically. I'll see if it's possible to do that for 1.1.0-rc3 but I can not promise anything..

    See our roadmap for further information:

    Thank you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().