Softwareverwaltung funktioniert nicht mehr

  • Hallo,

    ich wollte eben nochmals ein CMS software über die Softwareverwaltung hochladen, doch leider funktioniert dies nicht mehr.

    Die Software wird im tar.gz erkannt und auch installiert. Doch beim Aktualisieren der Seite kommt dann folgender Fehler:

    "Ihr Paket ist defekt. Bitte korrigieren Sie es!"

    Als Softwarename steht dann "Fehler im Paket. Lösche!" und als Typ "löscht" in der Liste.

    Wurde in diesem Modul was geändert?

    Meine früher hochgeladenen Software wird noch angezeigt.

    iMSCP 1.5.3

    Debian Strech

    Vielen Dank



  • Good afternoon,

    You're talking about the software installer? If yes, you should really avoid to use it because available software are not up-to-date..


  • Hi Nuxwin,

    I'm not talking about the software repository - i know that this is not up to date.

    But I tried to use the "software-verwaltung" were I want to upload a e.g. joomla tar.gz file.

    This should work, isn't it?


  • I'm not talking about the software repository - i know that this is not up to date.

    But I tried to use the "software-verwaltung" were I want to upload a e.g. joomla tar.gz file.

    You're talking about the software installer ;) You cannot upload an un-modified version of a software archive. Accepted software archives are those modified for the i-MSCP software installer, that is, those which provide the infrastructure (installation script and so on) for the i-MSCP software installer.

    BTW: It is planned to drop the software installer as it is not maintained. It will be replaced by a 3rd-party solution.

    TheCry Maybe you can elaborate a bit more since you're the author ;)


  • Nuxwin

    Added the Label question (answered)
  • Hi Nuxwin,

    ok, thanks for the answer.

    Is there a plan to modify some of the most-common CMS systems. Or is the "software-veraltung" feature in general obsolet? It's not an urgent issue, but only to know.


  • Hi Nuxwin,

    ok, thanks for the answer.

    Is there a plan to modify some of the most-common CMS systems. Or is the "software-veraltung" feature in general obsolet? It's not an urgent issue, but only to know.


    If you read my answer again, you'll discover that sentence:

    BTW: It is planned to drop the software installer as it is not maintained. It will be replaced by a 3rd-party solution.

    It is not clear enough?
