Are those features wanted (moving of domain aliases)

  • Do you need the following features? 112

    1. Possibility to turn a domain alias into a client account? (68) 61%
    2. Possibility to move a domain alias into another client account? (51) 46%
    3. No. I don't need these features. (38) 34%

    For these two cases, this would of course include all entities which are part of the domain alias aggregate such as subdomains, ftp accounts, mail accounts and possibly SQL users/databases. Right now, it is possible to move clients between reseller accounts only...


  • Nuxwin

    Changed the title of the thread from “Are those features wanted (moving domain alias)” to “Are those features wanted (moving of domain aliases)”.
  • Nuxwin

    Approved the thread.
  • The first (Dom-Alias to new account) is more important - but also the second one can be interesting...

    Otherwise there is the manual way...

    Maybe it's too hard to move also the databases... they are not connected to a certain subdomain/alias or whatever. And the db prefix changes when moving to another (a news) client account.... this is to complex to have it done automatically.

  • The first (Dom-Alias to new account) is more important - but also the second one can be interesting...

    Otherwise there is the manual way...

    Maybe it's too hard to move also the databases... they are not connected to a certain subdomain/alias or whatever. And the db prefix changes when moving to another (a news) client account.... this is to complex to have it done automatically.

    You're totally right. Database are connected to the main domain aggregate and can have numerical suffix or prefix so yes, for the proposed features above, that's almost impossible. Somehow, this show us that current implementation is not really good. One thing we could do via UI is to ask the user which database he want to move, but if there is a sufixe or prefix, this also mean rename the database which is not always an easy task, depending on many factors such as the database engine type, the database size...


  • I'd comment out the database migration - as you stated this may be very complicated and should not keep the feature unfinished.

    Moving the alias with all web-data and mail accounts is not to difficult in i-MSCP but manually a big deal - moving the database can be done manually...