Setup error in 1.1.0-rc1.4

  • Hello
    I having issues using rc1.4
    System: Ubuntu server 12.10

    First issue is installer searchs for proftpd files in /home/debian/imscp/configs/ubuntu/proftpd
    but path is /home/ubuntu/imscp/configs/ubuntu/proftpd
    I have symlinked /home/ubuntu to /home/debian to get around this issue

    Secon issue is Connection to SQL server failed
    no matter what I do, I cant get past SQL configuration
    Server localhost
    port 3306
    user root
    pass <here I type root password but it does not write anything>
    then the error pops and go to server address configuration screen again

    Additional info: I have created a per script to test MySQL connection and is working fine


    Edited once, last by killerbender ().

  • Hello ;

    Do you want help via teamviewer ? If yes, just install it on your desktop and PM me.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP.


  • Hello ;

    Do you want help via teamviewer ? If yes, just install it on your desktop and PM me.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP.

    Send a PM

  • Re

    Fixed. Problem was from rc1.4 (Ubuntu installer adapter broken - Already fixed in master).

    Thank you for using i-MSCP
