How to optimize the performance?

  • Hi there,

    I have got a PIV server machine with 2gb ram and 250gb hdd. I have got 100MB/s up and downloadspeed, but my users download about 350-400GB/day.
    How can I optimise the performance? My system is a bit slow, yet, but not full memory... It's just slow to download anything... For example a webpage... :-(

  • perhaps look at fcgid and php settings for max processes, etc. to optimize throughput. use "htop" to look at server resource usage and watch the processor, as a P4 is very slow. also, you may want to consider caching/varnish as a setup for the server.

  • perhaps look at fcgid and php settings for max processes, etc. to optimize throughput. use "htop" to look at server resource usage and watch the processor, as a P4 is very slow. also, you may want to consider caching/varnish as a setup for the server.

    htop? ... Command not found... ?

    htop? ... Command not found... ?

    I installed,
    It shows me:
    CPU usage:
    1 : 1.3
    2: 1.3
    3 : 3.3
    4 : 0.6.. etc
    Memory: 1893/1995
    SWP: 1931/4823

    .. But my system is so slow... :-( What's wrong? ..
    Tasks: 210, running 1-2...
    Load average: 8.30, 14.95, 17.54 ..
    Uptime: 17 days...

    Edited once, last by tigyijanos ().

  • The load is pretty high! Additionaly, you need more ram for your purposes. I mean... have a look at the swap-level... 2GB swapped is awful! You'd need at least twice as much ram.
    400GB/d is 4,6MB/s average - additionaly your system is swapping. To me, it's no surprise why your system is that slow.