"connection to storage server failed" roundcude

  • hello

    I am using the latest github release and just installed today.

    The mail worked very briefly as I sent a email and it was sent ok but then it started to give "connection to storage server failed" when I tried to login.

    I am using the following:-
    Debian 6 32bit minimal
    Latest github install of i-mscp (as I was advised to use this)

    Thanks in advance :)

    Edited once, last by veg-grower ().

  • Hello ;

    The message tells you that Roundcube is unable to connect to your IMAP server. Are you using external DNS servers?

    1. Check that your IMAP server is running
    2. Check that you have an A DNS record pointing to your server as follow:

    imap.<BASE_SERVER_VHOST>. IN A <your_ip>

    Here, <BASE_SERVER_VHOST> must be replaced with the value as specified in your imscp.conf file for the BASE_SERVER_VHOST parameter.

    You must also have an A DNS record for the smtp server:

    smtp.<BASE_SERVER_VHOST>. IN A <your_ip>

    Here, smtp.<BASE_SERVER_VHOST> must be replaced with the value as specified in your imscp.conf file for the BASE_SERVER_VHOST parameter.

    PM me if you want teamviewer support.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Thanks for your reply Nuxwin.

    Following what you suggested I may have resolved my problem with roundcube mail.

    This is what I did. I do have a remote DNS that I am running the main domain though so I setup two A records like:-



    Then waited for a little bit then reinstalled my i-mscp using the github latest release and restarted my vps after install was complete and tested the mail and all worked well.

    Thanks for your advice Nuxwin I would never of thought that was causing the problem.

    Edited once, last by veg-grower ().