the /configs/debian/apache/parts/domain.tpl sets in case of #SECTION proxy_fwd BEGIN
for both vhosts: SSL an not SSL. It would be perfekt if it sets for domain_ssl.conf
Is it Possible to set different RequestHeaders via change in domain.tpl or a listener?
My try to add row 4+5 and row 9/10 to ssl_proxy was not succesfull. The "#SECTION ssl_proxy BEGIN" as no effect.
Code: /configs/debian/apache/parts/domain.tp
- # SECTION std_fwd BEGIN.
- RedirectMatch {FORWARD_TYPE} ^/((?!(?:errors|\.well-known)/).*) {FORWARD}$1
- # SECTION std_fwd END.
- # SECTION proxy_fwd BEGIN.
- RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "http"
- RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port 80
- # SECTION ssl_proxy BEGIN.
- SSLProxyEngine on
- RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
- RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port 443
- # SECTION ssl_proxy END.
- ProxyPassMatch ^/((?!(?:errors|\.well-known)/).*) {FORWARD}$1 retry=30 timeout=7200
- ProxyPassReverse / {FORWARD}
- # SECTION proxy_fwd END.
- # SECTION fwd END.
Thanks a lot