Cannot receive email - User unknown in local recipient table

  • Well, ok ;)

    I 've received you PM. I'm now waiting for needed data. ;)

    Thank you for using i-MSCP


  • Nuxwin solved it!!

    There was primarily an issue with the hostname. I had misconfigured it.

    Other changes that Nuxwin did:

    - Switched to last git master
    - Disabled saslauth since it's not needed with i-MSCP

    1. root@r2d2:~# grep 'START' /etc/default/saslauthd START=no


    1. /etc/init.d/saslauthd stop

    And rebooted the server.

    I cant stop thanking him. For something that's free as in beer, you guys are awesome, and so is i-mscp.

    Marking as Solved.

    Edited once, last by dzchimp ().