Wie kann man die Alternative-URL deaktivieren

  • Hallo,

    im Moment finde ich es ganz gut, die Alternativ-URL zu Verfügung zu haben, da ich gerade meine Kunden von Confixx nach I-MSCP migriere.

    Kann ich die Alternativ-URL im Backend im Administrationsbereich irgendwo deaktivieren?


  • Hello ;

    Why do you want do that? You are using external DNS servers ? Well, it's not possible for now but you can edit the related template manually.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP.


  • I think with the alternative urls you can check all customers from me, to add the vu2007.imscp.mydomain.tld, vu2008..., vu2009..., to browser. Then, somebody can send mails to my customers...

    ...in english, i think the catch word is "data privacy".

  • I think with the alternative urls you can check all customers from me, to add the vu2007.imscp.mydomain.tld, vu2008..., vu2009..., to browser. Then, somebody can send mails to my customers...

    ...in english, i think the catch word is "data privacy".

    Ok :D I'll add admin option to disable such URL.

    You can open a ticket ?

    Thank for using i-MSCP.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().