How the default value for the control panel hostname should be generated by the i-MSCP installer? 120
By extracting the domain name from the server hostname, and by prefixing it with the 'panel' label (current way) (74) 62%
By prefixing the server hostname with the 'panel' label (advocated way for server providers deployment strategies) (46) 38%
Dear community,
Following an issue that has been opened by @Thomas Toka, I create this poll to take a decision.
The situation
While running the i-MSCP installer, the administrator is asked for both, the server hostname and the control panel hostname. The default value for the control panel hostname is build by extracting the domain name from the server hostname, and by prefixing the extracted domain name with the panel label:
- Server hostanme: uuid.domain.tld
- Contrrol panel hostname: panel.domain.tld
That is the current way that fit well when the server administrator purchase and setup his server with his own domain name on which he has entire control.
In the opened issue, @Thomas Toka advocate that we should not extract the domain name from the server hostname as most of server providers are setting the default server hostname with a subdomain from their own domain, and on which the server administrator (the customer) has no control. In such case, default value for the control panel hostname should be as follows:
- Server hostname: uuid.domain.tld
- Control panel hostname: panel.uuid.domain.tld
@Thomas Toka also say that generally, the server providers also setup a wildcard DNS pointing on the server IP such as
- *.uuid.domain.tld. IN A <SEVERS_IP>
The question
Should we stay as now, that is, generate the control panel hostname by extracting the domain name from the server hostname, and by prefixing it with the panel label (first example above), or should we simply prefix the server hostname with the panel label (second example).
From my point of view, both ways are corrects. For the first, we simply assume that the server administrator will use his own domain name to setup his server as he will want have full control over it. In the second case, we assume a beginner without more knownleges that will use the server hostname as provided by his server provider.
Thank you for your participation.
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EDIT: Vote from new members (those registered after this poll creation) will not be taken into account