OpenDKIM 2.0.0 active for all the domains

  • Hello guys,
    I installed the version in the subject and I'm facing a little problem.

    DKIM signing is a good thing, and this new version automatically enables OpenDKIM for all the domains found. This sound good, however unfortunately this causes a little problem with the domains where there's an an external mail server configured. Not all the mail servers used by the customers, permits the free configuration of the Keys, nor the configuration of the DNS record to add.

    For that reason I ask you:
    - Did I miss something ?
    - If not, how can I disable the Plugin for the domains with "external mail feature" enabled ?
    - Do you have another easy solution ?

    If you need any other information please let me know.

    Thank you for your time and efforts.
    Bye Kess.

  • For that reason I ask you:
    - Did I miss something ?
    - If not, how can I disable the Plugin for the domains with "external mail feature" enabled ?
    - Do you have another easy solution ?

    Documentation is not for dogs :P
