Can PhpMyAdmin and Net2ftp run on different ports than i-MSCP panel?

  • Hello.

    I'm creating a setup where I need the panel to remain limited only to a few IP addresses, while PhpMyAdmin and Net2ftp (the FTP file manager) need to be open to everyone.

    The twist is that I'm hoping to control this by firewall, namely 'iptables', and not through the Apache configuration, since the former is much more easily manageable in my case.

    For this reason, I'd like to run PhpMyAdmin and Net2ftp on a different port than the panel. It's okay if they also run on the panel, but most importantly they need to be available on a port that does not allow public access to the control panel.

    Any ideas on how to achieve this?

    Thanks in advance!

  • The twist is that I'm hoping to control this by firewall, namely 'iptables', and not through the Apache configuration, since the former is much more easily manageable in my case.

    The control panel, as any tools such as PhpMyAdmin, Net2ftp are not made available through Apache2. There are made available through Nginx...

    I'm creating a setup where I need the panel to remain limited only to a few IP addresses, while PhpMyAdmin and Net2ftp (the FTP file manager) need to be open to everyone.

    The control panel is only available through the IPv4 address that you have choosen during i-MSCP installation. That is same thing for PhpMyAdmin and Net2ftp. However, that is different for IPv6. In such case, the control panel and the tools are made available through any IPv6 address.

    I'm creating a setup where I need the panel to remain limited only to a few IP addresses, while PhpMyAdmin and Net2ftp (the FTP file manager) need to be open to everyone.

    There is no easy way to do that and if you do not have the required experience, hence your question here, you should avoid to play with default setup.

    We won't give you any solution here as this could break your installation. To resume, either you known what you're doing, either you don't do anything ;)

    Thread closed.
