more plugins in RoundcubePlugins-Bundle

  • Hi,

    after each upgrade I have to reinstall my plugins for roundcube, because everything is overwritten. But perhaps these plugins are interesting for more people, so perhaps they can be added to the Pluginbundle:
    - rememberme:
    A plugin for autologin, I think I don't have to say anymore ;)

    - filters
    A plugin for filtering mails. But it happens client-side. So the filters are triggered when using roundcube. I use this for mails I want to see on my smartphone in my mainfolder, but after using roundcube they have to go to the defined subfolder.

    And I found this as a replace for dkimstatus, but I wasn't able to test it yet. Perhaps somebody else?…/roundcube/authres_status


  • after each upgrade I have to reinstall my plugins for roundcube, because everything is overwritten

    You can always make use of an i-MSCP listener file which will restore your changes.
