php settings in control panel

  • Question about php settings in control panel if you increase the Upload Max Filesize,Post Max size,Memory Limit,Max Execution Time should you keep it off in php settings section of control panel so it can not be changed or should the settings in control panel allow a user to increase it up to max of what is set in php.ini

    I have it set to yes in the php settings section of control panel so they can be changed but it keeps telling me Value for the PHP post_max_size directive must be between 0 and 10. I have increased them in the php.ini and restarted server

    If you know you will need to increase theses should it be done in master before adding a user/domain

  • Question about php settings in control panel if you increase the Upload Max Filesize,Post Max size,Memory Limit,Max Execution Time should you keep it off in php settings section of control panel so it can not be changed or should the settings in control panel allow a user to increase it up to max of what is set in php.ini

    I have it set to yes in the php settings section of control panel so they can be changed but it keeps telling me Value for the PHP post_max_size directive must be between 0 and 10. I have increased them in the php.ini and restarted server

    If you know you will need to increase theses should it be done in master before adding a user/domain

    What for? Master php.ini is just a template for others. You'll be able to change it for client in the panel, if you need or for each virtual host you need directly in php.ini.

  • Question about php settings in control panel if you increase the Upload Max Filesize,Post Max size,Memory Limit,Max Execution Time should you keep it off in php settings section of control panel so it can not be changed or should the settings in control panel allow a user to increase it up to max of what is set in php.ini

    I have it set to yes in the php settings section of control panel so they can be changed but it keeps telling me Value for the PHP post_max_size directive must be between 0 and 10. I have increased them in the php.ini and restarted server

    If you know you will need to increase theses should it be done in master before adding a user/domain

    Hello ;

    You can set these parameters globally (will be the default for all php.ini) via the admin settings interface. After, when an admin adds a reseller, he can set some limits for him (php.ini settings). And the reseller can also set some limits (php.ini settings) for their customers but these limits cannot be greater than those set by the admin for him. It's kind of cascading limits.

    BTW: For now, even if each customer has its own php.ini, you cannot set per php.ini limit. PHP.limit are set per customer. In near future, we will allow to select domain (including domain alias and subdomain) for which php.ini settings should be edited.

    Thank you for using i-MSCP.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

    DZII likes this.
  • Any updates on being able to increase limts right in i-mscp admin settings for per site php.ini files? and should the max upload file size in import section of phpmyadmin get its limt from the master or should it be getting it from the sites own php.ini file ?