ftp traffic not collected for users

  • version: i-MSCP 1.4.7
    Build: 20170710
    Codename: Zimmer

    on ubuntu Linux ksrv140 4.4.0-83-generic #106-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 26 17:54:43 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    1. cat /var/log/imscp/imscp-vrl-traff.log[WARN] iMSCP::File::copyFile: Use of -l on filehandle $fh at /var/www/imscp/engine/traffic/../PerlLib/iMSCP/File.pm line 269, <$fh> line 48.$fh> line 48.

    iptables will be collected : but above warning perhaps does prevent this .... http imap traffic will be collected properly only ftp is missing ... in reseller and in customer stats

  • @gwr

    First please, could you say us which i-MSCP FTP server implementation you're using: ProFTPd or Vsftpd?

    For the warning about using -l on a filehandle, that is just a warning which shouldn't prevent traffic data to be collected. The problem is elsewhere and I'll investigate. However, I'll also fix the warning.

    See also: https://rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=117595

    iptables will be collected : but above warning perhaps does prevent this .... http imap traffic will be collected properly only ftp is missing ... in reseller and in customer stats

    To make the things clear, the traffic data collected through i-MSCP iptables chains are not processed by the imscp-vrl-traff script. Those are processed by the imscp-srv-traff script and resulting statistics are made available through the admin/server_statistic.php interface.

    The imscp-vrl-traff script get the traffic data by calling the getTraffic() method on i-MSCP Perl servers/packages that implement it. Traffic data come either from log files or database, depending on the storage used. Resulting statistics are made available, depending on the context, through the following interfaces:

    • admin/reseller_statistics.php
    • reseller/user_statistics.php
    • client/traffic_statistics.php
