PROFTP Login langsam:

  • Du musst deine proftp.conf erneuern.

    Hatte das problem auch ;-)

    <--- Noch das Passwort aus der Alten conf nehmen und Proftpd neu starten. Der Rennt danach.

    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • ähm.... also ich habe die 1.3.3.a und diese funktioniert einwandfrei, dabei ist es egal obs ne alte oder neue Version ist.

    Hab das Problem letzte Woche damit lösen können.

    so wuerde ich die conf schon mal nicht nutzen. k.a. ob das ne alte ist...auf jeden fall passt die nicht zur aktuellen master.

  • ähm.... also ich habe die 1.3.3.a und diese funktioniert einwandfrei, dabei ist es egal obs ne alte oder neue Version ist.

    Hab das Problem letzte Woche damit lösen können.

    Hello ;

    What is the purpose of you proftpd.conf file exactly ? Can you explain in English (or via pm)

    Thank you for using i-MSCP


  • Translate: PROFTP login langsam -> Proftp login slow ;-)

    with my proftp.conf isn`t it so ;-)

    I had the same problem at last week, with change to this proft.conf, i`ve no problems.

    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Re ;

    How many configuration files are in your /etc/proftpd/imscp directory? And what is the i-MSCP version you are using? I ask that because for me, proftpd slow login problem comes from the number of loaded files for domains limits.

    BTW: That could be cool if you can highlighting the change between your proftpd.conf and the one provided by i-MSCP to make us able to see difference in easy way. ;)

    Thank you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • OK.

    I have 131 configfiles in /etc/proftpd/imscp

    Domains 57
    Subdomains 50
    Domain Aliase 37
    FTP Konten 72

    -> OS Debian 6 Squeeze
    -> I-MSCP 1.1.0 rc1.4 -> Build 20130107 -> CN EAGLE
    -> Proftpd -> 1.3.3.a

    I have Highlighted the changes for the users own with "<<<<<<<<<"
    I search along for this problem, i can´t understand why i must change my proftp.conf and it works fine.

    The most posts i had found make this -> UseReverseDNS off & IdentLookups off

    It doesn`t help on my Root server.

    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • Re;

    You removed or changed many directives that are important for i-MSCP. Well, maybe your conffile works for you but it's not i -MSCP compliant.

    What about the following directives:

    and many more such as all TLS part...

    For now, I don't recommend to use your proftpd.conf file version. ;)

    Thank you for using i-MSCP


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • I think than is the problem
    < 100 configs &
    and many more such as all TLS part...

    with the problems in ;-)

    We must/can search ;-)

    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().