Zertifikate von Letsencrypt für Dienste Imap ...

  • Hallo, ich habe ein Problem beim erstellen von dem Zertifikat für die Dienste.
    Ich hatte das Zertifikat schon erstellt aber nun beim Verlängern kommt es zu einem Fehler.
    Wenn ich den mx.domain.de raus nehme dann geht es aber das Zertifikat soll ja auch für mx gültig sein.
    Der Fehler ist:

    1. The /.well-known/acme-challenge/ URL path is not reachable for the mx.domain.de domain. This can be either due to a DNS problem, or because you have an Apache2 rewrite rule somewhere that rewrites the URL path to an unexpected location. In case of an Apache2 rewrite rule, be sure to exclude the /.well-known/acme-challenge/ URL path by adding a rewrite condition such as RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/.well-known/acme-challenge/

    System Debian 8.8
    I-MSCP 1.4.6
    Plugin 3.2.1

  • @lugau45

    English please.

    For the error, you must make sure that the mx.domain.de domain is reachable locally.

    Result of the following command on your server?

    1. LANG=C wget --spider http://mx.domain.de


  • Here, you're redirecting http://mx.webhosting-waldhufe.de/ to https://cp2.webhosting-waldhufe.de/ Why?


  • @lugau45

    If you do not have redirected the mx.webhosting-waldhufe.de the current behavior is not normal. Best would be to give us access to your server for investigation.


  • @lugau45

    So... You have added the mx.webhosting-waldhufe.de A DNS record in the configuration of your external DNS server but your i-MSCP server has it own DNS server which cannot resolve the mx.webhosting-waldhufe.de domain locally. The A record is missing in the local zone file.

    You must add the mx.webhosting-waldhufe.de A DNS record as custom DNS via the control panel, for the webhosting-waldhufe.de customer. Another solution would be to not use a local DNS server which is pretty useless because you use an external DNS server.

    The redirection is expected because you use the PanelRedirect plugin. There is no mx.webhosting-waldhufe.de subdomain.
