Cannot configure bind9 as local DNS

  • As I have used internal DNS before, a have had no local DNS on the one of my iMSCP installations. As for now I need it there. Standart reconfiguring cause to error
    So, debug mode uninstalled bind9, and returned it as it was.

    Any another way to do it automatically?

  • As I have used internal DNS before,

    Internal or external ?

    Any another way to do it automatically?

    There is a typo in the factory class..

    Line 65 of engine/PerlLib/Servers/

    1. my $rs = $main::imscpOldConfig->{'NAMED_PACKAGE'}->getInstance( )->uninstall( );

    should be

    1. my $rs = $main::imscpOldConfig{'NAMED_PACKAGE'}->getInstance( )->uninstall( );

    Fix it inside your i-MSCP 1.4.6 archive and the problem will goes away.


  • A fix has been added in our development branch. See…b6e872c48a4174c3b2a905cdb
    This fix will be part of next version.

    Thank you for your report.
    Thread closed.
