webserver timeouts

  • - IMSCP: 1.4.3
    - Distribution: Debian 8.6
    - Proftpd
    - MariaDB 10.0
    - Courier
    - Roundcube
    - Pydio
    - Plugins:
    PanelRedirect 1.1.5, PMA Captcha 1.1.1, RoundCubePlugins 2.0.1, SpamAssassin 1.1.1 , LetsEncrypt 3.0.0

    a few days ago I have already reported about apache and nginx timeout issues, after the update (1.3.16 > 1.4.3) nothing has changed.
    these are local timeouts that only affect apache, nginx and the monit server.
    So I need to use monit for restarts:
    if failed host localhost port 80 protocol http then exec "/usr/sbin/apachectl graceful"
    I also run curl response tests via cron (1min) from my local system, sometimes it works for many hours but usually there are interruptions.
    Following response outputs were generated while monit restart were deactivated:

    Lookup time: 0,012
    Connect time: 0,025
    PreXfer time: 0,199
    StartXfer time: 0,216
    Total time: 0,216

    Lookup time: 0,012
    Connect time: 1,021
    PreXfer time: 1,214
    StartXfer time: 1,261
    Total time: 1,261

    Lookup time: 0,012
    Connect time: 64,387
    PreXfer time: 64,559
    StartXfer time: 64,576
    Total time: 64,576

    Lookup time: 0,014
    Connect time: 64,857
    PreXfer time: 65,024
    StartXfer time: 65,042
    Total time: 65,042

    Lookup time: 0,012
    Connect time: 15,454
    PreXfer time: 15,632
    StartXfer time: 15,649
    Total time: 15,649

    during a timeout apache, nginx and monit server could also re-activated by service imscp_panel restart ....

    Edited once, last by fulltilt ().

  • You don't provide us with the relevant logs and also, you're talking about many thing unrelated.

    • Nginx is for serving control panel requests.
    • Apache is for your customer sites.

    So, either you provide us with all relevant information by describing clearly the problem, either you won't receive any help.


  • @fulltilt



  • @fulltilt

