FTP User ohne @ manuell anlegen

  • Hey Jungs, habe ein Problem.

    Ich möchte gern eine Überwachungskamera per FTP verbinden sodass Aufnahmen direkt auf den Server geladen werden.

    Leider unterstützt die Kamera keine non-ASCII Zeichen was bedeutet weder mit "" noch mit %40 nocht mit @ im Benutzernamen komme ich weiter.

    Brauche also dringend einen FTP User ohne @ im Namen.

    Per SSH bereits versucht. Leider spuckt er mir immer die Meldung aus, Passwort falsch... Manuell anlegen geht also auch nicht.

    Jemand eine Lösung ?

    Ich brauche definitiv einen Username ohne Sonderzeichen

    LG Tobias

  • @TM-Computertech

    @ is an ASCII character ;)

    You can always setup a local user account for your CAM: adduser mycamuser, and ask ProfTPD to authenticate also through /etc/passwd file. Eg, in proftpd configuration file, change:

    1. AuthOrder mod_sql.c


    1. AuthOrder mod_sql.c mod_auth_unix.c

    and then restart: service proftpd restart

    Note that in such case, ftp home will be /home/mycamuser


  • @TM-Computertech

    First, try the solution by editing the file and restarting the service as stated above. Later, I'll provide you with a little listener file that will make the change persistent. But first, I want be sure that the solution is ok for you.


  • @TM-Computertech

    Hey Nuxwin, Thank you, it works!

    and now ? imscp overwrite the file

    Yes, if you reconfigure i-MSCP or upgrade it to new version, your changes will be lost. But, as said above, I'll provide you a listener file that will automatically reinject those changes. Give me 10 minutes.


  • @TM-Computertech

    Download the listener file attached below and put it into the /etc/imscp/listeners.d directory. That's all what you have to do. You can also see the pastbin version here: https://pastebin.com/MnUxKT32



  • @TM-Computertech

    Edited my previous pastbin and uploaded new version. Previous substitution in listener file was wrong.
