RainLoop - i-MSCP password changer not working with new i-MSCP 1.4.x Serie

  • Hi,

    everytime I want to use rainloop to change a password, I get "Could not save new password" as an error message. The password should meet all the rules, (something along the lines of e.g. Iv6uovit).

    I wasn't able to find a rainloop log somewhere, in mail.log or syslog was no error to be found.


    Edit: Sorry forgot: Debian 8, I-MSCP 1.4.3

  • @Catscrash

    I'll have a look. I totally forgot that rainloop had a password changer. In Serie 1.4.x, mail password scheme has changed and therefore, there is surely something to change on rainloop side.


    Confirmed. Current i-MSCP password changer for rainloop doesn't handle SHA512-crypt password scheme. I'll add support for it in few minutes and say you what to do after.


    A fix is now available. See https://github.com/i-MSCP/rain…97a12b9fcb...8aa3bbf8c350

    You can update your current RainLoop version by executing the following command:

    1. # perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure -dnv

    Thank you for your report.
    Thread closed.


  • @Nuxwin, thanks for this, I tried it, but so far it doesn't work.

    I verified that after the reconfigure, the changes are in the file (at least /var/www/imscp/gui/public/tools/rainloop/data/_data_11c052c218cd2a2febbfb268624efdc1/_default_/plugins/imscp-change-password now has Copyright (C) 2015-2017 in the top, so I think everything else is there too).

    I log into rainloop, go to settings and password, enter the old password and twice a new one. It takes a second, then the entered passwords disappear and the button goes green.

    If I go back to the mails, it says "Authentication failed" < so far, so expected. I log out and try to log in with the new password - won't work. Logging in with old password - works.

    Thanks for your help

  • I log into rainloop, go to settings and password, enter the old password and twice a new one. It takes a second, then the entered passwords disappear and the button goes green.

    You could have to wait a bit due to cached auth. I'll check again anyway.


  • Hi. That's a rainloop cache, or a dovecot cache? To be safe, I just restarted dovecot and tested with thunderbird - but no change - old password still active

  • @Catscrash

    Should be fixed. See https://github.com/i-MSCP/rain…166f4db3d9b7d2d0e72f74507

    You can get the change as stated above.


  • @Catscrash

    You're welcome.

    Thread closed.
