
  • Hello!

    I copied the listener pl file into /etc/imscp/listeners.d folder. After this I re-run the auto installer script. It was fine without errors however the listener doesn't work. The error message is that it cannot activate the record because of a conflict. I have tried to run the file locally / perl 10_named_override_default_rr.pl /( no clue if it should work like this or not) and I got the following error: Can't locate iMSCP/Net.pm in @INC (you may need to install the iMSCP::Net module). After this I added the PerlLib folder into the perl script with the 'use lib' command. Still not working.
    I am using Debian 8.7 and i-MSCP 1.3.16.
    Do you have any idea what did I wrong ?



  • I have tried to run the file locally / perl 10_named_override_default_rr.pl /( no clue if it should work like this or not) and I got the following error: Can't locate iMSCP/Net.pm in @INC (you may need to install the iMSCP::Net module). After this I added the PerlLib folder into the perl script with the 'use lib' command. Still not working.

    You should avoid to do things without understanding how that work... Listener files are not standalone scripts.

    The error message is that it cannot activate the record because of a conflict

    Show us the exact error message and the context (where you are seeing it).


  • On /client/dns_add.php page I wrote the following:
    Name: www
    Type: CNAME
    Canonical name: test.tld.
    Error message: Could not validate DNS resource record: Conflict with the `www.test.tld. 10800 IN CNAME test.tld.' DNS resource record.

  • @Baggio

    I'll check that issue this night. I stay you informed.


  • @Baggio

    This is due to a check in i-MSCP core which prevent CNAME conflict. Will be fixed in next release by removing the check.


  • @Baggio

    A fix has been added in our development branch. See https://github.com/i-MSCP/imsc…74fe827652d9a7f3994f795cd
    This fix will be part of next release.

    Note that the fix is for Serie 1.4.x. You're enjoined to update to latest Serie.

    Thread closed
    Thank you for your report.
