After upgrade to i-MSCP 1.4.3, I get errors from cron jobs running to remove old spam and trash. The following error is given "doveadm(gene@genesworld.nety@email.address): Error: quota: Unknown namespace: Trash"
I did notice in errata about the maildirsize, but at a loss on this. I have made sure to log in with each email address in my system (only me a few friends, so easy to remember their passwords) to ensure things got updated.
Here is the exact cron job running "doveadm expunge -A mailbox INBOX.Trash savedbefore 30d"
I appreciate any help with this. Thank you and have a nice day ...
System Details
Debian GNU/Linux 8.7 (jessie)
PHP Ver: 5.6.30 (Default)
MYSQL Ver: 5.7.17
Vsftpd Ver: 3.0.2
i-MSCP 1.4.3 | Build: 20170417| Codename: ZImmer
Plugins Installed and Active
AdminerSQL - Ver. 1.0.1
ClamAV - Ver. 1.2.0
CronJobs - Ver. 1.4.1
DomainAutoApproval - Ver. 1.1.2
InstantSSH - Ver. 5.0.1
LetsEncrypt - Ver. 3.1.0
Mailgraph - Ver. 1.1.1
Mailman - Ver. 1.0.3
Monitorix - Ver. 1.2.2
OpenDKIM - Ver. 1.1.3
PanelRedirect - Ver. 1.1.5
PhpSwitcher - Ver. 3.0.4
PolicydSPF - Ver. 1.1.0
PolicydWeight - Ver. 1.1.0
Postgrey - Ver. 1.1.1
Postscreen - Ver. 1.1.0
RoundcubePlugins - Ver. 2.0.0
ServerDefaultPage - Ver. 1.2.5
SpamAssassin - Ver. 1.1.1