SQLite wont Activate under iMSCP 1.4.2

  • Hi

    I need SQLite 3 for some Webapps. With Debian 7 and i-MSCP 1.3.6 i just installed SQLite with apt-get install sqlite3 and apt-get install php5-sqlite and it worked out of the box.
    Now i upgraded to Debain 8.7 and i-MSCP 1.4.2 and the SQLite installation works but does not activate.

    I made these Changes:
    I uncommented these lines in /etc/php/5.6/fpm/php.ini

    1. extension=php_pdo_sqlite.dll
    2. extension=php_sqlite3.dll
    3. [sqlite3]
    4. sqlite3.extension_dir =/etc/php5/mods-avaliable/pdo_sqlite.ini

    Is there anything i have overseen?

    I use as a mentioned:
    Debain 8.7
    i-MSCP 1.4.2
    PHP 5.6
    and i think PHP-FPM

    Thank you!

    Regards CSF

  • Undo everything you've tried for sqlite and then execute:

    1. # aptitude install php-sqlite3 php5.6-sqlite3 php7.1-sqlite3
    2. # phpenmod sqlite3

    Hope it helps