LEt's Encrypt renew error + update to vers 3 and no more log file

  • I just check the renew of a domain in server and tomorrow morning I see there is a problem. Server does not rewnew it

    I had 1.3.16 + Plugin 2.0.5

    So i go to control panel of domain -> The server experienced an internal error :: Error creating new cert
    I check some post, I open the log file (I was not able to undesrstand words there), so I decided to check plugin version.

    I update to 3.0 and now error is:

    but if I try to open log, there is no more log...
    and no renew...so I have site back to non SSL.
    any suggest ?


  • @bubaweb

    There is no /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log file?

    BTW: The logs showed in your post don't belong to LetsEncrypt plugin version 3.0.0. The acme-challenge folder base path in version 3.0.0 is no longer /var/www/virtual/LetsEncrypt ;)


  • hi Nuxwin
    I'm sure about update to vers. 3 and no log also in virtual + /var/log/

    i disable e reenable it...no change :(


    • le1.PNG

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    • le2.PNG

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    • le3.PNG

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  • @bubaweb

    Could you give me access to the server? It seem that you don't understood my previous sentence regarding logs. Well, best is to give us access to the server than lose too much time here due to barrier language.


  • @bubaweb

    Problem solved. As administrator, I've simply triggered a new attempt through the debugger interface which is available at: admin/imscp_debugger.php

    All wen't well. Status for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate is now OK.

    Please confirm that all is ok now.



  • @bubaweb

    You're welcome ;)

    Thread closed.
