Protected Area Password problems - i-MSCP 1.4.0

  • System Details:

    Debian GNU/Linux 8.7 (jessie)
    PHP Ver: 5.6.30 (Default)
    MYSQL Ver: 5.7.17
    Vsftpd Ver: 3.0.2

    i-MSCP 1.4.0 | Build: 20170326 | Codename: ZImmer

    Plugins Installed and Active:

    AdminerSQL - Ver. 1.0.1
    ClamAV - Ver. 1.2.0
    CronJobs - Ver. 1.4.1
    DebugBar - Ver. 1.1.2
    DomainAutoApproval - Ver. 1.1.2
    InstantSSH - Ver. 5.0.1
    LetsEncrypt - Ver. 3.0.0
    Mailgraph - Ver. 1.1.1
    Mailman - Ver. 1.0.3
    Monitorix - Ver. 1.2.2
    OpenDKIM - Ver. 1.1.3
    PanelRedirect - Ver. 1.1.5
    PhpSwitcher - Ver. 3.0.3
    PolicydSPF - Ver. 1.1.0
    PolicydWeight - Ver. 1.1.0
    Postgrey - Ver. 1.1.1
    Postscreen - Ver. 1.1.0
    RoundcubePlugins - Ver. 1.2.6
    ServerDefaultPage - Ver. 1.2.5
    SpamAssassin - Ver. 1.1.1

    I got i-MSCP 1.4.0 installed, worked through some issues reported already, so I will not repeat them again. My i-MSCP build shown above does have changes made by me from developer branch instead of downloading again, and think I found another little bug. Protected Area passwords are behaving strange as described below.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    Try to open a Protected Area Enabled Page, when login box comes up, enter credentials, and login dialog keeps asking for password.
    Temporary fix for Problem
    Go to Protected Area in Control Panel, Manage Users, update password.

    I can now login until I close my browser and try to visit my protected page again and then it starts asking me for a password again.

    Sorry if this has been already reported, I searched and didn't find a report. Thank you and have a nice day ...

    EDIT: Password will work until browser cache is cleared ..

    “Life is all an Elaborate Hoax”

    Edited once, last by texxasrulez ().

  • @texxasrulez

    I cannot confirm the problem with the last 1.4.x branch state.

    • As customer, I created a testuser htuser for the protected area
    • I've created a protected area (I've selected the testuser)
    • I've entered username and password: no problem
    • I've closed browser (google chrome)
    • I've opened browser (google chrome)
    • I've entered username and password: no problem


  • I downloaded recent commit about an hour ago and this does not happen to me anymore either ... Things that make you go "Hmmm"

    “Life is all an Elaborate Hoax”

  • @texxasrulez

    This was maybe due to other bugs in vhost templates :D This was an hard day for me :D

    Anyway, thank for your report ;)


  • I totally understand my brother ... Release day can be something ... ;(

    I have had a busy time myself. I live in the country and some workers cutting trees down by the road knocked a power line down and fried one of my power supplies, one of my UPS's and of course I was in the middle of writing code when the lights went out. Good thing my server and linux workstation survived. I can live without WIndows for a while until I get the parts ...

    I thank you again for your time. Keep up the good work ...

    “Life is all an Elaborate Hoax”