Problem with proxy and let's encrypt (no plugin)

  • @m4rv1n00

    The real problem is that there is no DocumentRoot defined when you setup redirect or proxy. Thus, Apache don't known where to find the .welll-known folder, even if you create it.
    We need in order:

    • Add a document root
    • Grant access for the .well-known folder

    We cannot add an alias there because this would overcome the alias that is defined by the LetsEncrypt plugin.

    Thread reopened.


  • @m4rv1n00

    Regarding the issue, the following fixes will be part of next release:

    • Added: htdocs/.well-known folder to site skeletons (The directory is now automatically created)
    • Fixed: Any site must have a document root, even when redirected or proxied
    • Fixed: Even when a site is redirected or proxied, its folder must be created
    • Fixed: The `.well-known' folder is not reacheable when a site is redirected or proxied

    Changes in progress ;)


  • @m4rv1n00

    A fix has been added in our development branch.

    Thank for your report.
    Thread closed.
