Persistent PHP-Changes

  • Hi,

    one of my customers asked me to change his memory_limit to 512M and max_input_vars to 3000. No problem. Changed it in phpswitcher restarted the service - perfect.
    but - after upgrading imscp these changes were overwritten by 128M and no-setting-set for input_vars (so default is used). I tried to change the memory-value to 512M in the database, but also it gets overwritten by 128M.

    So my question is - how can i make these settings persistent?
    And wouldn't it be great to create a table where the php-editor settings can be manually added and the range can be set?

    imscp 1.3.16
    debian 8

    Kind regards

  • uhm... there are php settings on the customer edit domain page.
    If these are too low, you have to increase the number on admin site (change the value on the desired reseller)

    So... e.g. your customer needs a memory limit of 512MB you have to
    1. go to admin
    2. edit the reseller
    3. set memory limit to 512mb
    4. go to the reseller
    5. edit domain of customer
    6. set memory limit

    Let me know if this helps

    Nuxwin likes this.
  • @MasterTH

    oh nice - does it work with phpswitcher?



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