WHMCS Plugin - Register reseller withou domain

  • Hi Nuxwin,
    I have not already tested all functions of WHMCS plugin but meantime I need one info.
    According with WHMCS settings, Is possible to register only reseller without domain in i-MSCP?
    Thank you in advance

    O.S.: Debian Jessie
    Apache 2.4
    MySQL 5.5
    Php 5.6
    i-MSCP ver.: latest
    Location: Italy

  • @VeNoM



  • Thank you,
    so I cant create reseller or cant create reseller without domain name?
    Thank you

    O.S.: Debian Jessie
    Apache 2.4
    MySQL 5.5
    Php 5.6
    i-MSCP ver.: latest
    Location: Italy

  • @VeNoM

    The plugin is for customer account provisionning only. We will add support for reseller provisioning in later version.


  • Uh, ok.
    Sad news and this plugin is uselesss for me without registration of reseller.
    Anyway I will wait for later version that you pubblish tomorrow, right? :D
    Thank you anyway

    O.S.: Debian Jessie
    Apache 2.4
    MySQL 5.5
    Php 5.6
    i-MSCP ver.: latest
    Location: Italy