W: /root/.pbuilderrc does not exist - i-MSCP 1.3.16 (Ubuntu Xenial Xerus (16.04))

  • @SHKEd

    The warning show above is not the real cause of the error. You should show us the real error message that you can find under the /var/log/imscp/imscp-build.log file.

    In order, process as follow:

    1. Run the installer as follow: perl imscp-autoinstall -d
    2. Once you get the error, post us the full content of the /var/log/imscp/imscp-build.log file

    Note: We'll fix the warning above, creating empty /root/.pbuilderrc file but again, that is not the real cause of your problem. That warning doesn't prevents pbuilder to run correctly in normal context:


  • @SHKEd

    A fix has been added in our development branch. See https://github.com/i-MSCP/imsc…711561f57e9682aec56747346
    This fix will be part of next release. However, be aware that this fix only addresses the warning due to missing /root/.pbuilderrc file (and some other unrelated issues).

    We are still awaiting content of your /var/log/imscp/imscp-build.log file, as requested in our previous answer. You're free to create a new thread with all needed information.

    Thread closed.
