403 on new files

  • Hello,

    i have the following structure

    If i try to open the "test.html" i get an error 403.
    The log says


    [Sun Jan 15 13:09:05.292831 2017] [core:error] [pid 16789:tid 140133223356160] (13)Permission denied: [client <IP>:63854] AH00035: access to /test.html denied (filesystem path '/var/www/virtual/<DomainName>/<DomainAlias>/<SubDomain>/htdocs/test.html') because search permissions are missing on a component of the path

    Some infos
    - Owner of the file is the virtual user from <DomainName>
    - File Permissions are "rwxr--r--"
    - Folder Permissions of the SubDomain Folder are rwxr-x---

    Any idea, why i get this error? :/

  • Any idea, why i get this error?

    Surely because you modified something without knowing what you're doing :rolleyes:

    Furthermore: Reporting rules - Reminder :@

    Try to run the imscp-reconfigure script as follow

    1. # perl perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure -daxnv

    If that doesn't fix your problem, that mean: You have done something wrong in Apache configuration or your filesystem.


  • Hey,

    thank you for your reply.

    The first time i started it, i got the following error:


    [ERROR] main::setupDbTasks: iMSCP::Rights::setRights: Could not set user/group on /var/www/virtual/fluxter.net/webmail/htdocs/public_html/.htaccess : No such file or directory at /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/../PerlLib/iMSCP/Rights.pm line 87.

    I just created this file (empty), i didnt delete anything in this directory. However, im using another webmail instance so its no problem.
    After that the command was successfull, but i still get this 403 error :/

    Additional information:
    - Version: 1.3.16
    - Distribution: Debian 8 Jessie
    - Implementations
    - - Proftpd
    - - PHP FPM
    - - MYSQL 5.6

    Steps to reproduce
    -Fully Updated server
    - i-mscp version 1.3.16
    - Create a domain (test.de)
    - Create a domain alias (test.com)
    - Create a subdomain of the domain alias (xyz.test.com)
    - Even the default files cannot be displayed

    When i create a subdomain of the main domain it worked just fine.

    Also i didnt do anything to my apache configuration or the filesystem

    When creating a completly new domain with new subdomain it works as well.

    I just deleted the subdomains and domain alias, after recreating it, it works as expected.
    Thank you Nuxwin

    Edited 3 times, last by Levitas ().