Some issues while upgrading from 1.1.16 to 1.3.16

  • Hi,
    i recently updated an (very) old installation from 1.1.16 to 1.3.16 ..
    Mainly this upgrade worked rather good .. (even i have to manually deinstall all old Plugins inside database .. maybe a check of them could be more helpful with the autoupgrade process ?)

    But now i wanted to change from Net2ftp to MonstaFTP and get the following error duirng reconfigure:
    [ERROR] Package::FileManager::uninstall: Bareword "MonstaFTP::Net2ftp" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1373) line 1.
    Bareword "MonstaFTP" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1373) line 1.

    2.) i added some listener files in etc/imscp/listenders.d/, but it seems they do not get used (none of them is executed ???) I have to enable someting? (run reconfigure for sure, but still nothing happens)

    3.) the roundcube SQl and Rainloop SQL Users/Passes are not stored insde imscp.conf ?? (i entered them but they had been removed during the setup)

    br Harald

  • okay topic 1 i could solve for myself by modifying the from Packages and replace the call of the uninstall by return 0;

    but topic 2 is still active .. is there any way to debug the listeners ??

  • 1.)
    But now i wanted to change from Net2ftp to MonstaFTP and get the following error duirng reconfigure:
    [ERROR] Package::FileManager::uninstall: Bareword "MonstaFTP::Net2ftp" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1373) line 1.
    Bareword "MonstaFTP" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1373) line 1.

    I'll check.

    2.) i added some listener files in etc/imscp/listenders.d/, but it seems they do not get used (none of them is executed ???) I have to enable someting? (run reconfigure for sure, but still nothing happens)

    Which listeners exactly?

    3.) the roundcube SQl and Rainloop SQL Users/Passes are not stored insde imscp.conf ?? (i entered them but they had been removed during the setup)

    Passwords for those softwares are not stored in the /etc/imscp/imscp.conf file. There are stored respectively in:

    • /etc/imscp/roundcube/
    • /etc/imscp/rainloop/

    Note that you must not edit the file password manually in those files.

    BTW: One thread per issue please. Next time, We 'll delete your thread.


  • okay thanks for the password issue.

    for the lsiteners i added:
    -rw-r----- 1 root imscp 2.0K Jan 7 05:28
    -rw-r----- 1 root imscp 1.5K Jan 7 05:28
    -rw-r----- 1 root imscp 1.7K Jan 7 05:28
    -rw-r----- 1 root imscp 1.7K Jan 7 05:28
    -rw-r----- 1 root imscp 1.5K Jan 7 05:28
    -rw-r----- 1 root imscp 1.7K Jan 7 05:28
    -rw-r----- 1 root imscp 2.0K Jan 7 05:28
    -rw-r----- 1 root imscp 1.4K Jan 7 05:28
    -rw-r----- 1 root imscp 1.9K Jan 7 05:28

    all of them had been used from the 1.3.16 zip file downlaod (using WinSCP to upload)

    is there any possibility to see if they had been loaded or a debug output ?


  • Re,

    Some of the listeners listed in your post need manual steps before being operable. Putting them in the /etc/imscp/listeners.d directory is not sufficient. Also, be sure that the old /etc/imscp/hooks.d listener directory has been removed. If it is not the case, delete it manually: rm -r /etc/imscp/hooks.d.

    About required manual steps

    For instance, the need some manual steps to be done:…fix/

    So please, for each listener, have a look at them and be sure that there are no manual steps needed or configuration parameters to fill. Once done, you should run:

    1. # perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure -danv

    This command will let you see what is done or not, and will also show you the list of loaded listener files (in the first lines).

    Once done, check the services configuration files to be sure that expected changes were done.


  • Re,

    okay i removed the old hooks directory which has been empty. i also removed all other listener files except the 10_frontend_templates_override.tpl

    (for the other ones all manual steps had bben processed like generating the certificates, ...)

    inside that i let the origin path in

    1. # Path to your own template filesmy $CUSTOM_THEMES_PATH = '/usr/local/src/imscp-custom/themes/default';

    inside this folder I put a modified index.tpl:

    1. -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 1.2K Jan 8 14:02 index.tpl

    after running the reconfigure, (with -danv as root) the
    dir /var/www/imscp/gui/themes/default/

    1. total 36K
    2. dr-xr-x--- 2 vu2000 vu2000 4.0K Jan 8 18:37 admin
    3. dr-xr-x--- 5 vu2000 vu2000 4.0K Jan 8 18:37 assets
    4. dr-xr-x--- 2 vu2000 vu2000 4.0K Jan 8 18:37 client
    5. -r--r----- 1 vu2000 vu2000 1.1K Jan 8 18:37 index.tpl
    6. -r--r----- 1 vu2000 vu2000 1.1K Jan 8 18:37 info.php
    7. -r--r----- 1 vu2000 vu2000 1.2K Jan 8 18:37 lostpassword.tpl
    8. -r--r----- 1 vu2000 vu2000 284 Jan 8 18:37 message.tpl
    9. dr-xr-x--- 2 vu2000 vu2000 4.0K Jan 8 18:37 reseller
    10. dr-xr-x--- 4 vu2000 vu2000 4.0K Jan 8 18:37 shared

    didn´t change, so thi lsitener had also not been accessed ..

    so now i´m really at the end ...

  • @hbaes

    The 10_frontend_templates_override.tpl listener file listen on the afterSetupInstallFiles which is only triggered in setup context, not in the reconfigure context. You must run:

    1. # cd <current_imscp_version_archive>
    2. # perl imscp-autoinstall -danv

    Edit: Please, use bbcode in your posts.
