I confirm my thinking regarding the precedence problem. The ProxyPass directive has an highter precedence than the RedirectMatch directive. The problem comes from the fact that you have set your ProxyPass directive into the custom configuration file that is included in both, the http and https vhost files. To fix the problem, the ProxyPass directive should be set only for the https vhost (http would be redirected to https in any case).
To resume, current workflow is as follow:
- http ---> The directive ProxyPass from your custom configuration file do its job (highter precedence). The RedirectMatch directive is ignored and thus, no redirect is made to https. You're seeing seafile resources.
Workflow should be as follow;
- http ---> directive RedirectMatch do its job. You should be redirected to https
- https ---> The ProxyPass directive do its job. You should see seefile resources
Note that the behavior described here is not new. It was identical in version 1.3.16.