Disable 'Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender' for specific email-adress?

  • Hello,

    I wan't to ask if it is maybe possible to turn off the Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender for a specific email-adress?
    I want to disable this for ex. my newsletter@domain.tld if the email adresse don't exists anymore or other errors?

    Thank you :)

  • badge.php?id=1239063037&bid=2518&key=1747635596&format=png&z=547451206

  • Thank you, but i think this is global and not only for one specific email-adress?

  • At first, it would be great if you explain us why you want do such a thing...


  • At first, it would be great if you explain us why you want do such a thing...

    I have a newsletter who sends 10.000 Emails and if there are ex. 2500 emailadresses that are not existing anymore i get a lot of emails back with Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender on ex. newsletter@domain.tld, so i only want to disable it for newsletter@domain.tld :)

  • To resume, you're sending thoussain of mails by closing your eyes to inexistent recipients... If you want have your server blacklisted, that is the best thing to do ;) I'll check if it is possible to ignore bounce messages for a specific sender but hey, be aware that it is really not the best thing to do.

    An alternative would be to verify if the recipients exist. http://www.postfix.org/ADDRESS_VERIFICATION_README.html but I never used that...


  • To resume, you're sending thoussain of mails by closing your eyes to inexistent recipients... If you want have your server blacklisted, that is the best thing to do

    Yes but i can't do anything there, because that recipents have put there emailadresse on it on registration-form (Community), so i can not really check it.

    I'll check if it is possible to ignore bounce message for a specific sender but key, be aware that it is really not the best thing to do.

    Thank you and i know that this is not very a good thing, but its very annoying if i receive so many rejects :)

  • I've edited my answer. Please read it again ;)
