LetsEncrypt plugin v2.0.3 RELEASED

  • Dear community,

    A new version of the LetsEncrypt plugin has just been released

    Version compatible with i-MSCP Serie 1.3.x (version >= 1.3.1 - Plugin API 1.0.5)


    • Fixed: Deprecated vhost file that was introduced in version 1.3.0 was not removed
    • Fixed: Don't check plugin requirements twice when the plugin is being updated
    • Fixed: SSL certificate expiry date not updated in database (on renewal)
    • Renamed: Apache2 `vhost.conf' configuration file to `LetsEncrypt_Alias.conf'

    Once registered on our forums, you can purchase this plugin at: https://i-mscp.net/index.php/PaidSubscriptionList/

    Thank you for using our plugins.
