Error at Rebuilding customers files

  • Hello!

    i have some problems while updating from i-MSCP 1.1.0-rc1 released to i-MSCP 1.1.0-rc1.3 released i get the following error message:

    I did it like that on my Ubuntu 32 bit machine:
    # aptitude update && aptitude install git-core
    # cd /usr/local/src
    # git clone git://
    # cd imscp
    # perl imscp-autoinstall

    When i press ok it just says:


    : Address family not supported by protocol
    iMSCP::Debug::END: Exit code is 1!

  • you have no "git pull" after "git clone"

    may you use the complete script:

  • the script is good but it wasnt working for me! same error message

    [hr]RE ;

    Are you sure it's the last version you are trying to update to ? Please show me the content of the CHANGELOG file in your install directory. I can provide you free support if you want (via teamviewer).[hr]Edit:

    Bug confirmed. Will be fixed in next coming minutes.[hr]Edit: Fixed:…8b7e98af61f14d8e30d76c8a6

    Try again (pull changes and rerun installer)

    Thanks for your report.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().

  • if i´m right then there is a: ' in wrong place...or?


    Error was there:
    $self->{'postmap'}->{$self->{'MTA_RELAY_HASH}'}} = $data->{'DMN_NAME'};

    fixed as

    $self->{'postmap'}->{$self->{'MTA_RELAY_HASH'}} = $data->{'DMN_NAME'};

    Edit: Was just a brace issue.


    Edited once, last by Nuxwin ().