Headers are there. I just copied the script you linked to and still have the same error ...
and permissions on the script are?
Headers are there. I just copied the script you linked to and still have the same error ...
and permissions on the script are?
They are for my virtual user as setup by i-MSCP ...
They are for my virtual user as setup by i-MSCP ...
I you can make the script executable and retry?
chown script executable and same issue ...
You are the man ... Thank you ...
just to re-itterate my perms are correct (executable etc.) and the code is also fine (with header output). Was working 100% on imscp 1.1 but not not working since I went to 1.3.10.
eagerly awaiting news - you guys are so good to help
In fact, I cannot reproduce the bug. My previous problem was simply due to wrong permissions (my fault)...
Could you please to reconfigure your i-MSCP instance using the following command: perl /var/www/imscp/engine/setup/imscp-reconfigure -danvx
ok me too! I corrected perms on my test.pl and it works inside /cgi-bin now
but still does not work in htdocs even though I have added the addhander option in the correct place. So how can I make it handle .pl in htdocs? I don't understand why it worked before but not now.
In your /etc/apache2/imscp/<domain.tld.conf> file, just do something like:
Then once done, restart your Apache2 instance: service apache2 restart
So here, as you can see, I don't change the vhost file that is generated by i-MSCP. I use the custom file that is provided for that purpose, and that is never overwritten by i-MSCP. Don't forget to adjust the domain name in paths Also please, check the permissions on your Perl scripts and ensure that the vhost for your domain is back to the one that was generated by i-MSCP.