add port to smtp

  • hi

    sometime we can use port 25 for smtp
    i see in admin imscp i can add port
    i add
    ip 0000
    port 2525

    but in outlook whane i use port 2525 for smtp, is down

    i forget something?

    i want tou use port 25 and port 2525 for smtp

    it's possible?

    thanks for you help

  • Morning,

    The service ports interface available in the panel doesn't change any configuration parameter in the services... That interface only allow you to add ports which are already configured in the services.

    Now about your question

    Firstly, I'm wondering your needs to use a port such as 2525.... Generally, in mail clients, we use the submission port (587). The port 25 should be used only by servers. You shouldn't use the port 25.

    Now, if you need really setup another port (for which purpose exactly?) you must modify the postfix configuration but frankly, you should really avoid to play with the postfix configuration without learning a bit more.


  • thanks
    i understand
    but a lot a people in hotel can use port 25 or 587
    so i want to use port 2525

  • Well, in the /etc/postfix/ file, you can add the following line:

    1. 2525 inet n - y - - smtpd

    below the following line:

    1. submission inet n - y - - smtpd

    and restart postfix: service postfix restart, which will result to

    1. # netstat -plunt |grep 2525
    2. tcp 0 0* LISTEN 10501/master

    Then, you should be now able to use the port 2525 in your mail client. However, be aware that this change will be gone on each i-MSCP update/reconfiguration. Best would be to use a listener file to inject that line (and eventually, remove the one that belong to default submission port (587)).
