Default Pages Skel

  • I have a small question.

    I have the Skel Default Pages slightly adjusted.

    It functioning all but Domain Disable it comes the standard side of imscp.

    Can anyone tell me why me?

    File under: /etc/imscp/skel/domain_disabled_pages/index.html was adapted. All other function, only the domain not Disable

  • @Peter

    I'll try to reproduce the issue. I stay you informed.


    Peter likes this.
  • @Nuxwin


    I have it again tested with a new installation (version 1.3.8)

    There is the same problem.

    All pages function except Domain_disable_pages where the default page is output ..

    Did you have a little time and could you see it?

    Thanks for help

    Have a nice evening :-)

  • @Peter

    This is on my TODO list.


  • @Peter

    Be a bit patient please (Any presure is useless). I'm working on the software installer right now.


  • @Peter

    There is no bug. Documents for disabled domains are copied once (during i-MSCP installation/update).

    You need to use an event listener file to reinject your own skel directory on i-MSCP update (as you do for the theme). and when you'll run the installer again (or imscp-reconfiguration script), your own files will be used. I'll not give further details here because I want let you search a bit.

    Thread closed.


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