LetsEncrypt 1.3

  • Hi

    habe versucht LetsEncrypt 1.3 zu Aktualisieren seit dem kommt

    Aktualisierung läuft...

    Kann LetsEncrypt 1.3 nicht Deaktivieren nicht löschen. Das sind mehr als 5 Tage her und ich kann deshalb auch keine neue E-Mails erstellen.

    Brauche dringend Hilfe Danke


    Have tried LetsEncrypt 1.3 to update since that
    Updating ...

    Can not delete LetsEncrypt 1.3 Do not disable. That's more than 5 days ago and I can not create new e-mails.

    Need urgent help thanks

  • @BigBen

    Good evening,

    The LetsEncrypt plugin versions 1.2.0 and 1.3.0 are broken. There is a rewrite in progress (We are now in pre-testing phase). The version 1.4.0 will be released in next hours. The versions 1.2.0 and 1.3.0 were released too fast, following a presure on our head coming from some people and the result is the one that you can see now... See LetsEncrypt plugin v1.3.0 RELEASED for more details.

    For now, you can disable your current version of the LetsEncrypt plugin by executing the following SQL query:

    1. # mysql -u root -p<your_password>> use imscp;> UPDATE plugin SET plugin_status = 'disabled', plugin_error = NULL WHERE plugin_name = 'LetsEncrypt';> \c

    Once done, you should also execute the following command to process any pending task:

    1. # perl /var/www/imscp/engine/imscp-rqst-mngr -v

    Thank you for your understanding.
