LetsEncrypt Punicode not working

  • Hello there,

    the last update said, that you now can use punicode domains.
    I updated the plugin, but when i try to get a cert it says "unknown error"

    The domain logfile is empty.

    After setting DEBUG = 1 in imscp config i got this error

    [Sun Nov 6 13:26:41 2016] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::execute: /usr/local/sbin/certbot-auto certonly --text --agree-tos --non-interactive --verbose --force-renewal --email admin@fluxter.net --webroot --webroot-path /var/www/virtual/LetsEncrypt --domains xn--kfgames-5wa.de
    [Sun Nov 6 13:26:42 2016] [debug] iMSCP::Execute::getExitCode: Command exited with value: 1
    [Sun Nov 6 13:26:42 2016] [error] Plugin::LetsEncrypt::run: Punycode domains are not presently supported: xn--kfgames-5wa.de

    Did i missunderstood sth?

  • @Levitas

    I start really to be tired of you. Did you read the announcement for the new version at least?

    LetsEncrypt plugin v1.2.0 RELEASED

    In that announcement, it is clearly stated that you must use the development version of the certbot client for IDNs support, by enabling it in the pluging configuration file ! ! !


    Again, alll is clearly explained but as always, you update by closing your eyes...

    Thread closed.


  • @Levitas

    From the UPDATE.md file inside the new LetsEncrypt plugin archive:

    1. If you want to enable support for IDNs, you must use the developement version of the certbot client by setting the value of the `certbot_version` parameter to `develop` in the plugin configuration file. Once done, don't forget to trigger a plugin list update through the i-MSCP plugin management interface.
