Upgrade failed - Could not remove the psw5.3-fpm

  • Just try to update to 1.3.6 and it failed

    I just followed the instructions for the debian upgrade
    #### 3. Download and untar the distribution files

    # cd /usr/local/src
    # wget https://github.com/i-MSCP/imscp/archive/1.3.6.tar.gz
    # tar -xzf 1.3.6.tar.gz

    #### 4. Change to the newly created directory

    # cd imscp-1.3.6

    #### 5. Update i-MSCP by running its installer

    # perl imscp-autoinstall -d

    then this error came up

    Error while performing step:
    Processing Modules: : Plugin (tochange) task for: PhpSwitcher (ID 4)
    Error was :
    Plugin: : PhpSwitcher: : deactivatePhPFpmService: Could not remove the psw5.3-fpm
    Service: Could not load the imscp:: Provider:: Service:: hash blab la bla bla
    At /imscp-1.3.6/engine/PerlLib/service.pm line 345

    is there a way to get it back to live or just lost everything ?

    wt nx mr lr snl

  • for now server back online
    websites running again

    i know this might not be the correct way but i got it up and running again
    i saw this was somekind of bug hope it will be fix soon

    wt nx mr lr snl

    Edited 2 times, last by check ().

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