1.3.0 Ubuntu 16.04 > 1.3.1 Upgrade Websites with undefined problems

  • Hello together,

    after a update to 1.3.1 I have undefined Problems with many websites.

    I navigate to "contact"-page. Sometimes I get a "blank"-page, sometimes 404, sometimes a "wrong"-page like "impressum". I need sometimes 5 attemts to load this page.

    Changes regarding opcache was deactivated i-MSCP >= 1.3.1 and PHP opcache - Unable to allocate shared memory segment

    My system:

    So I switch back to 1.3.0 (via snapshot) and no problems.

    Which changes from 1.3.0 > 1.3.1 has effects on this kinds of problems?

  • We cannot help without further information. Try upgrading to 1.3.x and say us if the problem persist. If yes, give us an access to the server.


  • Bug confirmed. There is a mistake in current configuration for PHP-FPM (Apache2 side - proxy_fcgi module). I've set the disablereuse proxy parameter to Off by mistake. It should be on.

    Will be fixed in next release which will coming in few hours now.


  • Fixed in version 1.3.4.

    Thank you for your report.

    Thread closed.
